Humidity: 30%, organic: 15%; P2O5hh, Acid Humic: 2,5%
Ca: 1,0%, Mg: 0,5%, S: 0,3%.
The strains of beneficial microorganisms: Aspergillus sp: 1 x 106 CFU/g; Azotobacter: 1x106CFU/g; Bacillus: 1x106 CFU/g.
- Provide detritus was activated, the necessary nutrients for crops, the beneficial microorganisms.
- To improve and increase soil fertility, helps balance the ecosystem field, environmental protection.
- Helps crops retain moisture, drought resistant, hardy, improved resistance to fungal diseases treatment.
- To promote maximum efficiency of mineral most - secondary - micronutrients, helps plants absorb nutrients faster.
- Stimulate strong root growth, better plant growth, improve productivity and agricultural value.
- Used as fertilizer liner, fertilizer mass for crops.
- Use 1.5 to 3.0 kg /root crops: rubber, coffee, pepper, cashew, cocoa, dragon fruit , grapes, fruit trees ...
- Use 150-300 kg/1000m2 for crops: tea, rice, wheat, sugarcane, corn, beans, vegetables ...
Use in combination with other Song Gianh fertilizer products to bring optimum performance.
Preserved in dry, shaded. Wash hands thoroughly after use.
Product safety for humans and animals, does not pollute the environment